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2919. Head & Spinal Cord 9)Cold Hands

2919. Head & Spinal Cord 9)Cold Hands

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Cold Hands

Raynaud's (ray-NOSE) disease causes some areas of the body — such as fingers and toes — to feel numb and cold in response to cold temperatures or stress. In Raynaud's disease, smaller arteries that supply blood to the skin narrow. This limits blood flow to affected areas, which is called vasospasmv.

t's common to have cold hands even when you're not in a cold environment. Usually, having cold hands is just one of the ways the body tries to control its temperature and shouldn't be cause for concern.

# Symptoms

Are cold hands a symptom of anything?

Usually, having cold hands is just one of the ways the body tries to control its temperature and shouldn't be cause for concern. However, persistently cold hands — particularly with skin color changes — could be a warning sign of nerve damage, blood flow problems, or tissue damage in the hands or fingers.

The recommended supplement for Cold Hands are: Ginkgo Biloba + Ginseng, B-12 Drops, CoQ10, & Neuro Plus


  1. Ginkgo Biloba + Ginseng

Ginkgo Biloba is a plant originating in Asia that was used in ancient Chinese medicine. Usually, the herb's leaves are used, but the seeds are shown to have the highest efficacy. Ginkgo contains numerous flavonoids and terpenoids, which promote blood flow in the body and brain. 

Cold hands can be a common symptom caused by poor circulation or restricted blood flow to the extremities. Ginkgo Biloba, derived has been studied for its potential to improve blood circulation and enhance peripheral vasodilation. It contains compounds called flavonoids and terpenoids, which have antioxidant properties and can help relax blood vessels, promoting better blood flow to the hands. Ginseng, on the other hand, is a root plant known for its adaptogenic properties and ability to improve overall well-being. It has been traditionally used to enhance vitality and circulation. By stimulating the release of nitric oxide, ginseng can help relax blood vessels, allowing for improved blood flow to the extremities. When taken together, Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng can potentially complement each other's effects, providing a synergistic approach to addressing cold hands.

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take two (2) capsules before bedtime or as directed by your healthcare professional

  1. B-12 Drops

B-12, also known as vitamin B12, is a crucial nutrient that plays a significant role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of individuals. While its benefits are vast, one intriguing aspect of B-12 is its potential to alleviate the issue of cold hands. Cold hands can be a common problem for many people, particularly during the colder months or in individuals with poor circulation. B-12 is known to support healthy blood circulation, which can help address this issue. By promoting the production of red blood cells, B-12 aids in carrying oxygen to various parts of the body, including the extremities. This increased oxygen supply can help warm up cold hands by improving blood flow and reducing the constriction of blood vessels. Additionally, B-12 is involved in maintaining a healthy nervous system, which plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature. By supporting nerve function, B-12 may contribute to a more efficient thermoregulation process, reducing the occurrence of cold hands.

  1. CoQ10

CoQ10, also known as Coenzyme Q10, is a naturally occurring substance in the body that plays a crucial role in cellular energy production. While it is primarily known for its benefits to heart health, recent research suggests that CoQ10 may also have positive effects on circulation, making it a potential remedy for cold hands. Cold hands, medically known as Raynaud's phenomenon, is a condition characterized by the narrowing of blood vessels in the extremities, leading to reduced blood flow and coldness in the hands. By boosting energy production at a cellular level, CoQ10 may improve blood flow and circulation, thereby alleviating the symptoms associated with cold hands. Furthermore, CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that helps protect the cells from oxidative damage, which can contribute to the development or worsening of Raynaud's phenomenon.

Ubiquinone also contributes to energy production. CoQ10 safeguards cells against oxidative damage. It is also essential for producing ATP, the body's major energy source.

Suggested Use: Take one (1) capsule twice a day as a dietary supplement. For best results, take 20-30 min before a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional.

  1. Neuro Plus

Neuro Plus offers a unique blend of ingredients specifically formulated to improve blood circulation and promote warmth in the extremities. This supplement contains a combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that work synergistically to enhance blood flow and support healthy vasodilation. One of the key components of Neuro Plus is L-arginine, an amino acid that is known for its vasodilatory effects. By relaxing and widening the blood vessels, L-arginine helps to improve blood flow to the hands, thereby alleviating coldness. Additionally, Neuro Plus contains other beneficial ingredients such as ginger extract, ginkgo biloba, and vitamin E, all of which have been scientifically proven to support circulatory health. Ginger extract possesses warming properties and can enhance blood circulation, while ginkgo biloba is known for its ability to improve blood flow to the extremities. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect blood vessels and promotes overall vascular health. With regular consumption of Neuro Plus, individuals with cold hands can experience significant relief and enjoy a more comfortable daily life.

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